We Offer Teleahealth
A word from the founder
At the core of all of us, there is a deep desire for independence, a thirst for individuality, and a craving for freedom. At the same time we hunger for emotional connection, yearn for togetherness and long for closeness. Many of us struggle finding the balance between these two core desires and as a result lose either our ability to be self-directed and solid, or become self-righteous and disconnected. The process of staying connected while remaining solid and independent is perhaps the most important aspect of growth in every area of our lives. The heart of our work is to assist each person who walks through our door to find the balance between autonomy and connection. At times this balance may be in the area of your relationship between you and your spouse/significant other, at other times it may be between you and your job, children or parents. We treat our clients with the goal of helping them reach who they want to be, rather than the obstacles, fears, insecurities, and limitations that have kept them in a stuck place. We often tell our clients we can’t change the hand we were dealt, but we certainly have a say in how we play it. This is best said through the words of Dr. David Schnarch, “Only the best in us can talk about the worst in us; the worst in us pretends it isn’t there.” We work collaboratively with our clients and support them to tolerate pain and anxiety for growth.